Working on yourself in a relationship can sometimes be hard, especially when you do not make open communication with yourself and with your lifestyle. Yes, guys, working on yourself means you have to focus on yourself, and for that, you have to remove curtain things from your life. If you cannot, then becoming your best version could be a little harder.
When you are in a relationship, all of a sudden you can not remove all the things from your life because relationships are all about two-way transactions, and everybody should respect any kind of relationship. Working on yourself will ask time from you and understanding because any kind of development takes time and goes through a sometime long process of understanding to learning to implementing, implementing to experience, experience to action, and action to habits. These are the common steps everybody goes through under the change process to the next level of growth in their life.
So what you have to understand is that yes, it will be time-consuming when you want to work on yourself in any relationship, so here we will look into some steps you should take with your partner or in any relationship before you jump, what kind of action and reaction plan you should do, so let’s see what steps you can take to work on yourself without putting any negative effect on your relationship.
Know Yourself
Here you put the foundation of your work, and this all happens as you put your thoughts, feelings, life daily patterns, and any kind of emotions from your daily life. when you start understanding yourself, for example, how you work, why this feels right, and so on. You can not only easily work on yourself; you can also improve your relationship.
No matter in which situation you get in, when you start filling in your thoughts and situations and you do not become impulsive and do proactively look for solutions, it makes you clam in nature, and when your brain is calm, you can easily process data for you with better understanding. So yes, your reflection on yourself can be the best way to work and deal.
Be Honest
No matter what you feel or what you want to say, no matter how bad it looks for you or what the other person will think or say, always try to be open and honest with your words. whether you are doing in your relationship or want to work on yourself. Always stay with your true feelings and be ready to listen to the opposing party. This way you not only stay with the right information; this way you can also create authentic personality and habits and experiences around you, which is very important for anybody’s growth.
Emotional Regulation and Control
Working on yourself needs time and work; it means you are spending time with yourself. Here you are processing lots of data in your brain to get your next level, and here you can lose control of yourself, and sometimes conflicts can happen in real life, so here sometimes your self-reflection can help.
Otherwise, you should focus on control and management, and this can happen only when you focus on what your body and brain are expecting from you. Our body and mind are created like that; they know what is best for any given situation you are in. You have to just focus and regulate them as per your needs.
Know What You Want
Identifying what you want and in which area you want to work and grow. And it can be anything; for example, you want to develop your confidence, you want to improve your communication skills, or you want to work on patience. Reasons can be anything. When you know exactly what you want, then you can easily work on your result with focus because you have already eliminated all distractions, and now you know exactly what you want.
Create Meaningful Boundaries
Having a relationship does not mean both partners lives run as the same; you both have different life experiences and ups and downs are the way of life run, and here is when you create meaningful boundaries, respecting both partners and support. Then it can be the best way to put your life on track with minimal ups and downs, and you both can easily work on yourself.
Your self-care matters.
Working on yourself requires your mental, emotional, and physical well-being; I will say your whole well-being is required here, and if you do not prioritize it in the right direction, believe me, everything will be like a headache. And as you start prioritizing, it can bring you your best self and eventually into your relationship.
Feedback can be the most transformative approach when you start accepting with an open mind. No matter what comes your way, you have to just open and see what can happen and what can not happen and ask a few questions around that example: why this is , what can be, can be good or bad, why this, and so many other ways according to your situation you can ask and filter what you get. This will always help you and also help you cut out the negative thoughts. So yes, no matter from here you get feedback, it matters for your betterment.
Last Thoughts
Working on yourself in relationships requires your clear understanding of your needs and what habits you have to build and control over your emotions. And when you start striving to become your best version of yourself, this can easily put you in a healthier and more fulfilling and healthy relationship. You have to just focus on in which area then your contribution positively will start affecting your relationship while also you will be at the next level of your growth.