The Inner Journey to Success: Building Your Foundation

The Inner Journey to Success: Building Your Foundation

Who does not want success in their life? I believe everybody wants it. But here one more question comes in mind: why only a few people achieve great success in their lives and look easier for them in comparison to other efforts? Yes, guys, it will always be that success is all about individual efforts and actions. Here, no one can do anything for that individual who is looking for success, even if you give all resources and money and give the right platform. But when a person is not ready and their mind is not clear, believe me, success will slip even when you put them on top.

Here I am going to share new perspective and a well-proven foundation for your success. And by applying in your life, you can start laying the foundation for the long-term success in your life. 

What Is Success?

Before we get into the inner journey and the foundational steps, everybody must understand the definition of success. Guys, when you start seeing the world from the bigger picture, like you are staying on one gigantic ball that is floating on space and space is in our universe, when now you are able to think that, then believe me, everything on our planet has its role: plants, animals, humans, earth, and so on, and if any system gets there and there, the balance of our lives will be affected.  

What I am trying to say is that individual dreams can be different from others, and even when you think why this person is not able to understand the big picture, believe me guys, you can’t do anything you can not understand in this life, so just let it be like that.

Success is all about your aiming for what you need, and by your effort, you achieved that, and you are fully satisfied with your life no matter how big or small the achievement is. If the person is satisfied, that is the real success.  

How To Lay The Foundation For Your Success

Always remember, success is all about you. What’s happening in you? Success is inside to outside, not outside to inside. And here are some foundations given.

Live By Intent Instead Of Luck

Becoming lucky on something is good, but expecting all the time will be good, I do not think so. Yes, guys, luck you will not get all the time. If you get great, you should appreciate that, but along with that, never and ever try to depend upon your luck every time. Instead, when you shift your focus from luck to intent, believe me, the process gets smothered, and even your result can be impactful for your life because when your intent is clear why you want what you want and you are ready to work on it, you create experience for yourself, and when your experience is in your favour, you create your real reality, which is very important on your success journey.

Give Up Focusing On Mistakes

Your success will be on the path of your mistakes. If you think no, I do not want to make mistakes or why mistakes are happening, Believe me, you are just distracting yourself from your success path and the lesson that you are getting from each failure and mistake, so give up focusing on your mistakes. No matter how much you are preparing yourself for not making mistakes, no matter how much you study and have knowledge, no matter how clean your steps are on your success path, believe me, you will make mistakes. So giving up on it is the only option that can be your wiser and divert your focus on learning. 

Approach With Clarity

When you approach with clarity, your time consumption on unnecessary things becomes safer. Success is all about your clarity. As much as you are clear on your path for your goals and steps, as much as you will achieve it or learn from it, so try to be critical and clear on your clarity before doing anything. This way, your focus will be like a lesser sharp, and you can easily penetrate  deeper and obtain a clear picture of your outcome.

Accept Those And Things You Disagree With

Your success will be dependent on your experience and perceptions, and for this, you should not have any barriers. Whatever comes your way, you should face it and approach it with the right mindset and learning mindset. For example, what went wrong, why this person is so different from me, a person thing different, can be another person right, let me check on it, a person perspective is different, and so on. When you start accepting those and things you disagree with, it opens a new door for your new experience, and if you do not allow yourself to explore this part, then you are becoming your barrier. 

I am not saying go all the way blunt on everything, no. Where you are stopping is on the path of perception and experience. Not on any negative things that can effect your life.

Ignore Your Calculations

You have a plan for your success, great. I will achieve this and that. Within this period of time I will finish this making calculation is good, but when you do not achieve it in your set timeline, so never try to allow any negative thoughts to take over you, start running from inside instead you can ignore your calculation and start look on the situation with a positive mindset and make valuation and start again. Success is all about keeping going till you achieve what you want. No matter what happens in the process, you have to tackle each obstacle of your life efficiently and sometimes ignore your calculation steps.

Yoga For Achievement

Yes, guys, yoga and meditation are the tools that you can utilize for your brain activity. Yoga and meditation not only calm your brain but also make you more effective and sharp when you process your thoughts in your meditation. When your brain is in the right condition and meditation and yoga can relieve your stress and anxiety from your life very effectively, and when your brain is well managed, then your achievements get bigger and bigger. So for your mind and through mind, your abilities need yoga and mediation for calmness and rest for better performance.

Remain Calm And Joyful

Working on your future success can be hectic, challenging, and time-consuming, and in this condition, your calmness and true joyful nature have to be on the ground. Your success comes through your true nature. Yes, if you focus too much on something, you will become perfect and will learn the skill, but the beauty that comes from being you that you will lose in the process, so always try to be yourself in the process and give yourself time to spend time there you are doing what you like to do away from your success goals. 

Try to maintain life all around you with your nature. Yes, the early process can be a little difficult, but at least keep it in mind, and as the process gets smooth and becomes your habit, then your real true nature of yourself can spread all around you, and if you do not take on the check list in the beginning, then there is a possibility you can lose the old you and create the new habits around it. What I am trying to say is that you no longer need to carry all parts of your old self but your true nature.

Sharpen Your Observation

Success is all about work and work, especially in your beginning. Nd here you biggest foundation can be for Your success is observation . You are doing great, but in the process of doing it, lots of things happen, and when something goes wrong in the process, then your observation has to be on the spot; otherwise, recovering from the mistakes and obstacles can be time-consuming. That’s the reason you should work on your observation part by reflecting on steps, for example, why I did it, what that can be, and start thinking in your background. When you think and do the process again and again, you get sharpness in your observation.

Look For Your Motivation

Your motivation you need to complete any task of your life, so look for your motivation and always try to put it in front of you by writing it on a note you can keep in your purse or past it on the wall wherever it is possible. where, you can see every interval of time when you do this, your motivation with reasons will be on the check list, and when your motivation is in place, then your laziness and doubt  do not get any place on your journey of success. 

Set The Benchmark For Integrity

The most important foundation of your success is your integrity. Success is all about people, groups, and things all around your action and plan, and for your bigger success, you need people’s support, and wherever people get involved, especially in business, you have to set the benchmark for your integrity. It should be in your nature, action, and talks. You can not build trust in your success path if one responsible person gets distracted from it. You are looing the big opportunity. If any contact or responsible person is going away from you, then the reason should be their personal, not yours. So yes, integrity is a must-have in your life when you want success.


Please note that there is no one set of examples or way to achieve whatever you want in your life. All these points and steps can be your foundation, and along with that, never forget about your experience because the whole game changes here. With your experience, you can get a new perspective of your life that is best for you, and if you neglect by saying no, I like these steps very much, and they are effective. Believe me guys, you are altering your big success. 

Yes, follow the plan. Follow the steps but never neglect your experience and by experience intuition which you are getting and on it building separately experience what working and what not working this way you become your best version of yourself and unique career way there no one can beat you on your path because you know your cards how to play for win and you will be focused because you no need to look for somebody for you next steps your intuition guiding you and experience making it stronger. 

So start with the given steps and, with experience, build a unique path for your success, which can make the greatest foundation for your long-term success.